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Become a trusted Affiliate of the IIM

The IIM welcomes Affiliate relationships
with leading service providers operating in the interim sector.

Affiliating with the IIM

Affiliateship criteria

iim affilliate


For your organisation

What’s in it for the IIM?

Becoming an Affiliate costs £450 plus VAT  per annum.  As an Affiliate, the IIM will highlight your organisation as a Leading Provider.

The IIM is a not-for-profit body run by Interim Managers for Interim Managers. Affiliate membership fees help to fund activities for the good of the wider Interim community.

affiliate steps

Meet some of our existing Affiliates and Partners

Eton Bridge NEW
Rinnova 300x153 2
Grichan Whitestone 300x153 1
logo robwalters 6x12 300x152 1
CampbellTickellNEW 300x153 1

Become an IM Affiliate

Affiliate cycle, sign-up and payment

Affiliation is renewable annually. 
You can join anytime throughout the year for a full rolling 12 month period.

Affiliation costs just £450 plus VAT

Annual payment is by BACS, against an invoice, e-mailed to you.


To explore the IM Affiliation click “Apply Here” 
to complete the enquiry form

Or Contact Us

Enquire about our Affiliate & Partnership scheme/options.

Fill out the form to register your interest in our partnership scheme. A Member of the team will contact you soon to discuss our partnership options.

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